We are often pressured to choose between the left and the right. Trump or Harris, tea or coffee, black or white. Some of the wisest people in history would say that this approach misses the deeper truth. I agree. Rigidly aligning with one ideology can create the illusion of certainty, blinding us to the complex reality of human experience. True wisdom comes not from allegiance but from curiosity and openness to different perspectives.
The words of Socrates ring true: “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” It’s a humble way of staying open-minded. When we strictly adhere to, for example, a political ideology, we risk ignoring the nuanced nature of the world. We risk becoming a “mass” of man and losing ourselves. Most importantly, this also applies to life itself.
Alan Watts, a truly insightful teacher, argued that the universe is not a simple duality of black and white but multiple interwoven experiences and perspectives.
Our minds are naturally flexible. Why go against nature?
When Carl Jung underlines that we have a “shadow” side that we need to acknowledge, I get curious. What’s inside our unconcious part of our personality? Regardless of what we find, increased self-awareness is certainly beneficial for our personal development.
There are over 10,000 cults across the world and they probably all hold one or two truths. But rest assured, personal growth and true wisdom involve learning from each situation, absorbing diverse perspectives, and staying open to new ideas.
It seems easier to choose a side and stay within a comfort zone than to embrace the full spectrum of the human experience. But an educated mind has entertained diverse thoughts. There lies wisdom.
What if we are lost!?
A friend of mine who is living and breathing yoga told me about the concept of beauty. Beauty is a powerful guide in our pursuit of wisdom. By looking for beauty, we are reminded of what we love. Think about it. Do you not feel at home, energized, and happy when you experience beauty?
Beauty is not superficial; we sense beauty in words, bodies, actions, and beliefs. When we feel lost but need to choose a path, follow beauty. There you will grow even more beautiful.